10 mistakes to avoid when paying off debt

10 mistakes to avoid when paying off debt

People often borrow money to meet certain expenses they cannot afford with their current income and savings, such as buying a home or vehicle or paying fees for education. However, repaying borrowed money can become a hassle if one does not plan it beforehand. There are several strategies that can help one repay debt quickly without facing a financial crunch. Moreover, here are some common mistakes to avoid while paying off debt.

Paying off multiple loans at once every month
Home loans, auto loans, education loans, and personal loans are some common debts one may have to pay off. But trying to repay all of them every month may not work out well because one may have very little money left to meet their current expenses. Among all these debts, some may have to be paid at once or more quickly than others. Monthly payments work for debts that have to be paid off in installments, but for others, it is advisable to repay money in larger installments, based on the amount in one’s bank account.

Not having emergency funds
On a rainy day, emergency funds come in handy even if one is covered by insurance. So, even when one has to pay off debt, keeping some money aside as a contingency fund is a good practice. Generally, 5% of one’s monthly income should be saved as emergency funds.

Not having a repayment plan
Without a proper plan, one may find it difficult to manage current expenses while repaying debt on time. Also, it can cause a lot of confusion and chaos for the borrower. There are many different strategies to help one repay debts without any hassles. One of them is the snowball method, wherein the borrower starts by paying off the smallest debt first and then moves to the larger ones. On the other hand, with the avalanche method, one starts with the largest debt before moving to the smaller ones. While deciding which method to pick, one should estimate the amount of time it would take to pay off all debts with every method and the interest saved in each.

Repaying only the minimum amount every time
Repaying the minimum amount makes sense when one does not have enough money in their account. But, continuing to pay off only the minimum amount for every loan can increase the time taken to become debt-free. Instead, it is recommended to list all expenses and cut down on unnecessary ones. This way, the amount in one’s bank account increases, helping repay debts quickly.

Overspending or not organizing expenses
Without a fixed monthly budget, one may end up overspending and be left with very little to repay debt. So, one should make a shopping list every time one visits the store and stick to it, even if some products may appear appealing. Having knowledge of current market rates is also important because one can avoid buying from vendors who sell products at unreasonable prices.

Being impatient
It is easy to lose hope and become impatient when there are multiple debts to pay off. But losing patience along the way only complicates matters and prevents one from thinking straight. Paying off multiple debts is all about strategy, so with a proper plan, one can repay all existing debts within the given time. So, one must start creating a strategy early on instead of panicking about the number of debts to pay off.

Not considering debt consolidation
When one has multiple debts with high interest rates, debt consolidation may help save money. Here, all of one’s debts can be clubbed together into one payment. Many debt consolidation plans have reasonable interest rates, so debt consolidation works when there are too many loans to repay. But, having a good credit score is necessary for such loans to be approved quickly.

Spending all bonuses and gift money
Gift or prize money and bonuses are surplus amounts that one would not need for daily expenses. By adding more expenses, one cannot move ahead in the debt repayment process. So, instead of spending this money, one should save it to pay off loans or add it to the emergency fund.

Not finding ways to increase one’s income
One of the best ways to pay off loans more quickly is to generate more income. Getting comfortable with one’s current salary is easy, but hustling to meet ends is no piece of cake. Finding a high-paying job can help settle loans easily and improve one’s overall standard of living. If freelancing is an option for one’s profession, freelancing gigs can be good ways to support one’s existing income. Otherwise, it helps to find better job opportunities and push the envelope to increase one’s income.

Refusing to seek help when needed
One may not always be able to handle paying off debt all alone, even after following repayment strategies. A financial advisor or professional is qualified to help one manage finances better. So, seeking help can ensure clarity and enable one to find easy ways to repay debt by the due date.

Debt repayment can be overwhelming for many, but it is all about finding the right strategy and having a plan. Saving money, being aware of one’s current spending habits, and avoiding these common mistakes can go a long way in paying off debts on time.

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